Stained-glass windows, carved panels in white pine and old English-style lanterns dress up the entrance of the Weyerhaeuser Building built in 1923.

An “information girl,” or receptionist, was stationed in the spacious lobby. The sales department and accounting department were separated from the lobby by counters. A telephone booth at the right of the entrance was at the disposal of visitors to the building.
The floors, except for in the private offices, were covered with battleship linoleum – the flooring gets its name from its battleship gray color, not because it was used on boats. The walls were finished in fir and stained a driftwood gray. This was accomplished with a chemical stain which gives the appearance of wood that has been floating in salt water.
The office of Robert W. Hunt, sales manager, was to the left of the lobby; general manager William H. Boner’s office was to the right.