The Weyerhaeuser Building looks more like a house than a place of business – and that was likely the point.
The lavish Everett office was meant to showcase the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company’s local wood products and finishes that could be selected when building a home. But the Gothic-style structure had a feature no home would have: a 160-ton safe.
The two-story vault was constructed in the middle of the office so that lighting and ventilation were made a priority. By this design, there were no inside rooms and every room had plenty of windows.

The Safe was:
10ft. by 16ft.
it weighed:
160 Tons
Each of the doors – one on the first floor, another on the second – weighed 1,800 pounds.
it stored:
Office Records
It was made from:
Brick with Terra Cotta Tiling.
It was later replaced with concrete and steel for added security.
The vault’s tonnage made the Weyerhaeuser Building’s three moves a challenge. The safe made up more than half of the 350-ton office’s overall weight.